Jockey’s Licensing

Licence renewals – NSW Resident Jockeys
Jockeys licences expire on the 30th June each year. Renewal application forms and medicals are sent to all NSW resident Jockeys in early May.
To renew a licence a Jockey is required to;

  • Complete and submit a licence renewal form
  • Pay the prescribed fee
  • Complete the annual Baseline concussion test
  • Undertake an examination with a General Medical Practitioner (GP) and submit the completed examination form.

Jockeys are reminded that they must answer all questions in regard to their personal history and that special care should be taken to ensure that the question on the medical which refers to any Medicines, Drugs, Tablets or injections that they are currently taking (if any) is completed accurately.

Jockeys who are taking medication are requested to read the following notice and comply with the provisions outlined should they apply.

Notice regarding medications

Visiting Jockeys – riding in NSW from interstate
Whilst the responsibility for issuing licenses is the autonomous responsibility of the controlling body in each state and their right to approve/refuse a licence will remain, it will be a requirement for a Visiting Jockey to complete an application for a licence in NSW for separate review and decision by Racing NSW.

Applications from Jockeys following a period of absence
Applications from former licence holders will be considered following receipt of an application form and medical history examination form. Depending on the length of absence and reason, a returning jockey may be required to attend an interview or undertake further tests (which may include a weight check or further medical examinations) at the discretion of Racing NSW. Depending on the period of time a Jockey has had away from the saddle they are also likely to be required to ride in a number of barrier trials until passed by Stewards to ride in races.

Jockeys relocating from interstate
If currently licensed in another state or territory of Australia, a Jockey who has relocated to NSW will be required to provide advice of their new contact details in writing. Racing NSW will obtain a clearance and the applicant’s full disciplinary history from the Principal Racing Authority in their home state.

If not currently licenced in another state or territory an application may be made by submitting an application form and medical history examination form. The procedures outlined above under the heading  ‘Applications from Jockeys following a period of absence’ may apply.

NSW Jockeys riding interstate
It is understood that the National Jockey Licence concept (as described above) has been adopted by other Principal Racing Authorities, however some states may require additional information and NSW Riders riding interstate may be contacted by the relevant licensing section from that state. To be certain of requirements, riders should contact the relevant PRA in advance of any engagement to ride Interstate.

Applications from applicants licensed in another Country
Applications from jockeys licensed overseas (whether current or former licence holders) are considered in two categories – visitor (for a short stay) or more permanent. Racing NSW has a policy that applies to Overseas Jockeys .

If you have any questions contact Racing NSW Licensing Department:
p: 02 9551 7500 | fax: 02 9551 7587 | e:

Form Links

– Application/Renewal for Jockey’s Licence

Application/Renewal for Apprentice Jockey’s Permit to ride

Jockey/Apprentice Medical History

– Rider’s Agent/Jockeys Agreement